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 Specializing in Smart Home Networking and application, Installing blinds, shades, appliances, office equipment, or electronic gadgets, as well as assembling furniture at home or in the workplace sound simple and easy to do until you try and fail dismally. Do it yourself no more and leave it to us!

Attention to Detail Is Key

Let’s face it. There’s more to successfully completing assembly and installation tasks than just having good old mechanical reasoning to rely on. For professional installers who know where every piece of the puzzle falls, everything boils down to strategy and attention to detail.

Trust our deep knowledge of a wide range of Window Treatments ( blinds ), furniture, appliances, and equipment, coupled with our exceptional proficiency with assembly and installation procedures. Our attention to detail completes the winning strategy we always take along with us to job sites, homes, and workplaces.


Ask for Assistance

With quality assurance always prioritized, our techs serve homeowners and business proprietors. Contact us at Budget Services  today to set up an appointment.


Our Mission

Exceptional Service on a Budget  while honoring heros. %10 discount applied to all Military, Police, Fire and EMS providers. We Salute you.


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Budget Installers

Phone: 443 981 1612


Maryland / South Carolina  / Delaware / Pennsylvania / Virginia 

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